Using Integrated Geophysical Method in groundwater exploration in the Nkoranza- South District, Ghana.
Water resources development has been identified as crucial to the control and eradication of communicable diseases and more importantly the well-being of the population. Adequate and sustainable source of ground water can be obtained by geophysical methods. Integrated geophysical methods involving electromagnetic and electrical resistivity methods have been carried out to delineate groundwater potential and locate drilling sites for boreholes in four communities in the Nkoranza South District. The electromagnetic method was used for profiling to identify anomaly conductive sites for further investigation using the vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique. Interpretation of the VES data revealed a weathered/ fractured zone at a maximum depth of 25.5 m which are potential aquifer zones.
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Relativistic Invariance and Commutation Relations at Unitary Quantum Theory
The present article discuses the problems of relativistic invariance and commutation relations at unitary quantum theory. The scalar analogue of the main (principal) equation of the unitary quantum theory together with the Poisson equation are solved numerically in this paper. The value of the electrical charge and also the fine-structure constant, are found, which are in good agreement with the experiment. The evaluation of the electrical form factor end the mass of such a particle is also carried out.
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The Truth about Creation or The Big Bang Theory Commonly Explained
When I was still a teenager, in my fourteens, my father called me to his watch-making workshop, sat me down on the top of his lap swinging to the left and to the right along with the tick-tack’s sound of the grandfather clock’s pendulum coming from the furthest corner of the room.
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Radiation Doses at the Radioactive Waste Storage Facility of Ghana
The National Radioactive Waste Management Centre (NRWMC) of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission undertakes routine monthly radiation monitoring in and around the vicinity of its storage facility. In collaboration with the government of the United States of America, the Ghana Atomic energy Commission (GAEC) upgraded and intensified the safety and security systems at the radioactive waste storage facility located at the main site of the GAEC. Additional storage/decay rooms were built with more enriched and thicker concrete blocks to be able to contain the radiation. The sources were transferred from the old block to the new re-enforced block. Radiation levels were measured for a period of six months before and after the transfer of the sources and the results compared. An average dose rates of 0.13 nSv/y and 0.02 nSv/y were recorded around walls of the storage facility before and after the transfer of the sources, respectively. The reduction in the dose rate was attributed to the increased thickness of the walls of the new storage block providing enough shielding to the radiation. Comparing the results with the IAEA safety standard on dose limit of 1.0 mSv/y to the public and 20 mSv/y for the radiation worker, it was concluded that the radiation levels emanating from the facility are low and within the allowable limits.
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Evaluation of some research reactor parameters in Modified Irradiation Site of NIRR-1
The evaluation of I0 (?) and Q0 (?) for Gold, Cupper, Thorium, Uranium and Potassium in Modified Irradiation Site of Nigeria Nuclear Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) was done using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and off-line gamma ray spectrometric technique. It was found that before the Cd-lined installation i.e. modification of the large irradiation site (A-3) of NIRR-1, the deviation parameter (?) was positive with a value of 0.024±0.002 indicating high neutron thermalization. However, after the Cd-line installation, the ?-parameter was found to be negative with a value of -0.9274 ± 0.016 indicating poor thermalization and as a consequence achieved the purposed of the modification. Further correction for Q0 to Q0 (?) and I0 to I0 (?) for the nuclides; Au, Cu, Th, U, and K in the modified large outer irradiation channel A-3 were done. Before Cd-lined installation the Q0 (?) values for Au was 15.05, for Cu was 0.88, for Th was 10.05, for U was 0.86 and for K was 90.37. However, after the Cd installation the Q0 (?) values for Au increased to 139.64, for Cu increased to 4681.32, for Th increased to16661.89, for U increased to 6141.55 and for K it increased to 133177.92. Also, before Cd-lined installation (BF), I0 (?) values for Au and Cu were 1485.410, 3.870 and after Cd-lined installation they increased to 13782.47 and 18631.64 respectively.
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Monte Carlo design for a new collimator of the prompt gammas Installation at Moroccan TRIGA reactor
The collimator is the most important part in the installation of the Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA). This collimator will be installed around the lateral Channel of the Moroccan TRIGA MARK II research reactor. The main purpose of this work is using the Monte Carlo simulation via the MCNP5 code to design the new collimator of the prompt gammas installation, to determine the optimal thickness of the bismuth (Bi) filter for gamma radiation. The obtained results of the collimator design and its filter are analyzed and discussed.
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Calibration of harshaw 4500 TLD reader and workplace monitoring of some selected diagnostic radiology centers in ibadan, Nigeria
Calibration of Harshaw 4500 Thermo luminescence Dosimeter (TLD) Reader was carried out using standard X-ray beam. The response of the TLD reader to the increasing dose was found to be linear and the dose response characteristics measured were 0.68 mSv, 1.80 mSv and 3.39 mSv which were comparable respectively to 0.55 mSv, 1.87 mSv and 3.76 mSv obtained following manufacturers specification. However, at doses below 500 mSv deviation was observed between the two procedures. The supervised and controlled areas at the radiology diagnostic centers were monitored using TLD badges over a period of 60 days. The dose levels obtained ranges from 0.13 mSv/hr to 0.2 mSv/hr for the conventional x-ray rooms and 0.10 to 0.35 to 0.16 mSv/hr for the waiting areas. The readings obtained established that the diagnostics centers were free from under exposure to ionizing radiation.
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Analytic solution of Bloch nuclear magnetic resonance flow equation for neural communication
A second order partial differential equation occurring frequently in applied mathematics is the wave equation. A generalization of this equation inevitably arises in many mathematical analyses of phenomena involving the propagation of waves in continuous media. Here, we applied the wave differential equation to investigate and explain neural communication using the nervous system. On application of Bloch nuclear magnetic resonance theory, a linear 1-dimensional homogeneous second order partial differential equation, as a model, is obtained which represents a nerve set in a vibrational motion. Analytical results from the solution of the differential equation show that the transmission of nerve impulses is not a flow of electrons, as in the case of electric current, but a wave of electrical activity travelling along the neurone. A three dimensional pictoral representation of the results further explains the phenomenon clearly.
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Design of Irradiation Channels in Radium-Beryllium 226 Ra-Be Neutron Irradiation Facility Usmba-Fsdm-Fez Morocco
Using MCNP6 to determine axial and radial neutron fluxes of the seven channels irradiation sites of 3 mCi of radium is tended for physics experiments on artificial radioactivity and irradiation facility in nuclear physics laboratory at (FSDM-USMBA) Fez Morocco. Ra-Be source in the interior of the shielded laboratory is sealed emanation-tight into a brazed nickel and it’s eccentrically off the axis of the lead cylinder. Lead thickness and distance shield are so designed that the gamma-dose rate from the source remains small enough in all directions. The seven irradiation channels are arranged vertically within the paraffin block.
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Weibel Instability in Plasma Low Temperature
A numerical scheme for the Weibel instability of low temperature has been developed which is a modification of the Darwin model. The Darwin model neglects the ion contribution and the theoretical model used considers homogeneous plasma in the presence of a wave low amplitude laser in the dipole approximation using the formalism of kinetic theory. In this study the coupling of the magnetic field generated by self-instability with the laser-wave field is taken into account, described by the Fokker-Planck equation. This equation is solved analytically zero order and disrupted order and distribution functions electrons were explicitly calculated. The dispersion relation of modes Weibel, who holds account of the term of coupling the quasi-static magnetic field with the high frequency field the laser wave, has been established More specifically, typical physical parameters in the experiments melting by laser; it has been revealed a reduction in the spectral range of the unstable modes and a reduction of two orders of magnitude of the rate instabilities.
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