Intelligence and National Security In Nigeria Democratic Governance 1999 – 2020
Nigeria is currently living in a perilous time and has been adjudged to be the worse place to live on the surface of the earth outside of countries currently experiencing wars and natural disasters. The situation is beyond Thomas Hobbes state of Nature and unfortunately, the intelligence and security architecture to cushion the blood-letting is unabated and comatose, especially since the enshrinement of democratic Governance from 1999 till date. This has instigated some scholars and civil organizations to say that Nigeria is a failed or failing state Captives State, hence lacks its corporate existence. This has dove-tailed or predicated on the assumptions that Intelligence and National Security in Nigeria Democratic Governance is not working as evidenced in series of insecurity recorded since 1999 till date. This has instigated this research work; hence the research was guided by three (3) specific objectives such as, to ascertain the Nature and Extent of Intelligence and National Security Management in Nigeria 1999-2021, to identify and asses how intelligence operations support democratic principles in Nigeria and to proffer strategies on how intelligence can be used in democratic dispensation for robust national Security management. Also three (3) research questions and hypotheses were used to ascertain the said objectives. For its theoretical framework, the study adopted System Theory. Descriptive survey research design method was adopted for the study. A sample size of eight hundred and eighty five was drawn from the population using Taro Yamane and snow-ball sampling techniques. Questionnaire was administered to elicit opinions, attitudes and sentiments on issues asked. Tables, figures, simple percentages were used to analyze and present the data in answering the research questions. The hypotheses formulated in the study were tested using Chi-square (X2) statistical technique. The findings showed that there are diverse range of insecurity incidents and high level of intelligence failure in Nigeria democratic dispensation hence, insecurity pervades the Nation, and that the Intelligence and National Security apparatuses or tactics used is no longer feasible in mitigating the situation and that although democracy does not hinder intelligence operation but has elements of impediment. In all, the study recommends that intelligence should be reformed and re-strategized in line with democratic ethos to pre-empt any external or internal insurgency, terrorism and create a robust National Security Parlance.
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Gender and Family Wellbeing AMID Covid-19 Lockdown in Rivers State, Nigeria
The study examined the extent at which Covid-19 pandemic affected families in river state, Nigeria. The study aimed at determining the level of impact on gender and the role of government in ensuring livelihood sustenance in post pandemic era. Crisis affect women, girls, men, boys, and all gender differently, government orders and legislations have disproportionate impact on different gender groups, as well as persons and families. During crises periods such as pandemics, the risk of gender based violence escalates. It therefore becomes imperative to examine these impacts and related consequences of the lockdown so as to help government make social provisions where and when necessary. A total of 200 questionnaires were purposively sent to individuals online. 10 different WhatsApp groups created for group discussions. Abusers were identified and interviews conducted. Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSSS). Results indicate that due to the prolonged nature of lockdowns in the state with its psychological and emotional outcomes on families, abusers leveraged on the quarantine period as abuse became more frequent and violent, other issues were identified such as increased child abuse, hunger leading to malnutrition. Paper therefore recommends that help-lines be provided for reports of violence and cases of abuse. Government to adopt a systematic/data based palliative distribution for wider coverage. Equal access to COVID- 19 testing, treatment and vaccines as and when they become available.
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Teacher's perception of the effectiveness of the alternative forms of students discipline in secondary schools in kajiado county, Kenya
Corporal Punishment was outlawed in Kenya in line with the Children’s Act of 2001. Consequently, alternative forms of discipline were recommended in our Schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ perception on the effectiveness of the forms of alternative discipline used in Kajiado County, Kenya. This study was guided by the following objectives: Teachers’ perception of the effectiveness of alternative forms of discipline; exploration of challenges that teachers face in administering these forms of discipline in Kajiado County. This study comprised all public secondary school teacher counsellors, and disciplinary Committee teachers. Twenty participants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Qualitative research approach, and phenomenological design were used in this study. Data was generated using a structured interview guide, and analyzed thematically. Verbatim analysis was used to report direct quotations from the statements made by the participants to capture their strong feelings about the phenomenon. The study revealed that alternative forms of discipline were effective in behavior modification. This study also found out that, lack of counseling rooms, uncooperative teacher attitude, an overloaded curriculum, inconsistence in disciplining students, blurred role of teacher counsellor, and untrained teacher counsellors were challenges that schools faced in the implementation of alternative forms of discipline in schools. Teachers suggested that workshops should be conducted to make them aware of the alternative forms of discipline. The findings of this study will be useful to head-teachers, teachers and policy makers in education in terms of formulation of policy guidelines.
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Haglund syndrome or pump-bump: A confusing diagnosis of a swelling painful hindfoot
Posterior heel pain is a largely reported symptom caused by several diseases. Haglund syndrome is one of its uncommon etiologies. The deformity referred to as a prominent bursal projection of the calcaneus can be asymptomatic and clinical manifestations define the syndrome related to the inflammation it causes. We report the case of a 45-year-old man, with no medical history presenting to clinical examination for a swelling painful posterior heel in which MRI showed a Haglund syndrome. Through this case, we detail radiological findings of this disease and the main differential diagnoses. Posterior heel pain is a largely reported symptom caused by several diseases. Haglund syndrome is one of its uncommon etiologies. The deformity referred to as a prominent bursal projection of the calcaneus can be asymptomatic and clinical manifestations define the syndrome related to the inflammation it causes. We report the case of a 45-year-old man, with no medical history presenting to clinical examination for a swelling painful posterior heel in which MRI showed a Haglund syndrome. Through this case, we detail radiological findings of this disease and the main differential diagnoses.
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Metastatic giant adrenocortical tumor in the liver
Adrenocortical tumor is a rare tumor of the adrenal developing depending on the adrenal cortex; most often responsible for an endocrine syndrome. We report a case of a 41-year-old woman who presented with treatment-resistant chorionic low back pain, whose radiological exploration revealed a retroperitoneal mass dependent on the adrenal gland measuring 108 x 84 x 88 mm (APxTxH) metastatic of the liver of segment VII and segment VII, the management of which was surgical in two stages.
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Knowledge of Personal Protective Equipment Use of Senior Paramedic Students Before Graduation During COVID-19 Pandemic Period
This study is planned to determine the knowledge of personal protective equipment use of senior paramedic students before graduation during COVID-19 pandemic. The research is a descriptive study. The universe of the study consisted of 180 senior paramedic students studying at three universities in Izmir. When evaluating the study data, descriptive findings were expressed as percentage, mean, standard deviation and median. 38.1% of the students are between 18-20 years old, 50.0% are between 21-23 years old and 11.9% are 23 years old and above. 58.3% of the students participating in the study are females and 41.7% are males. In the study, 74.4% of paramedic students stated that healthcare personnel working in ambulance or patient transport vehicles should use medical masks, gowns, gloves and eye protection while transporting suspected COVID-19- (SARS-CoV-2) patients to the health institution. 78.5% of the students answered that an N95/FFP2 mask should be used while intervening and taking samples in a patient suspected o having COVID-19. As a result, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic period, the knowledge of personal protective equipment use of senior paramedic students before graduation is sufficient in some cases and not clear and sufficient in some cases. It is recommended that students should be given effective training on the use of PPE during the intervention of the patient with COVID-19 before graduation. It is known that the use of personal protective equipment is preventive in the transmission of the virus. There are studies supporting that the contact of healthcare professionals with patients with covid-19 increases their anxiety. In our study, it was thought that it would be helpful to determine whether paramedic students, who will be in the risk group to come into contact with covid-19 patients in the prehospital area, have sufficient knowledge about the use of personal protective equipment. In this direction, it is thought that it will contribute to the content of the training on the use of personal protective equipment during the covid-19 pandemic process.
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Examination on insomnia levels and health anxiety of healthcare technician students during Cov?d-19 pandemic period
Sleep in all periods is a biological need for all living things. This study was planned to examine the insomnia levels and health anxiety of the students during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The research is a descriptive study. The universe of the study consisted of 800 students studying at Dokuz Eylül University Vocational School of Health Services in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. When evaluating the study data, descriptive findings were expressed as percentage, mean, standard deviation and median. 67.0% of the students are between the ages of 18-20, 28.1% are between the ages of 21-23 and 4.9% are between the ages of 24 and above. The 73.6% of the students are females and 26.4% are males. While total insomnia mean score of the students is 15.0 ± 5.4, the mean score for health anxiety is 19.6 ± 11.2.A moderate, positive, statistically significant difference was found between the insomnia level of the students and their health anxiety (r=.570; p=.000<.001). As a result, it has been determined that the health technician students have experienced moderate insomnia and high levels of anxiety during the COVID 19 pandemic. In addition, there is a significant relationship between insomnia and health anxiety. It has been found that as the level of insomnia increases, health anxiety also increases.
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8. Evaluation of the severity of African cassava mosaic (AMM) in ten cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) clones in relation to the bimonthly leaf harvest in Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Ambwa, J., Idikodingo, T., Molongo, M., Mongbenga, G., Likiti, O., Mambokolo, C., Diko, G., Bulonza, J.C., Empata, L., Ebwa, J., Ugencan, P., Mamba-Mbayi, G., Songbo, M. and Monde, G. |
Abstract |
Category : Life Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Botany |
Evaluation of the severity of African cassava mosaic (AMM) in ten cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) clones in relation to the bimonthly leaf harvest in Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Cassava is a staple food in the world and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A severe cassava epidemic would have long-lasting consequences for the population, which would probably result in malnutrition, reduced work performance, and possible migration to unaffected areas. This situation could be considered a disaster. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the severity of MAM and the bimonthly harvest on the leaf yield of ten cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars in Gbadolite, North Ubangi Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. The experimental design used was that of randomized complete blocks with 3 replications and 10 treatments, or 10 clones. Leaf yields in tons per hectare were 5.2 for cultivar Amuma; 4.1 for cultivars Mado and Moyindo; 3.9 for cultivar TME 419 or Obama; 3.8 for cultivar Nganza; 3.1 for cultivar RAV; 2.9 for cultivars Badiya and Dabeke; 2.7 for cultivar Khadafi and 2.0 for cultivar Yasegumba. MAM infection levels were in the range of 1 for cultivars Amuma and Dabeke; 2 for cultivars Moyindo, TME 419, and RAV; 3 for cultivar Yasegumba; and 4 for cultivars Badiya, Khadafi, Mado or Madame, and Nganza. The one-way analysis of variance and Duncan's test at the 5% probability level showed a significant difference. Tukey's post hoc test grouped cultivars according to the level of MAM infection. These results certify the level of severity of this virus in this province; for this reason, it is advisable to consider the control of this virus by popularizing resistant varieties and adequate cultivation techniques related to it.
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Laplace Transform (Definition of Differential Influencer Method) and Application
After we covered the subject of Laplace transformations through two previous manuscripts. In this manuscript, we will discuss the definition of (Differential Influencer Method), which is a type of method for solving differential equations. As we explained through the example of the difference between (normal method) and (Laplace transform method) as mathematically supported solution methods.
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List of articles published in the month of September 2022
Table of contents for the month of September 2022
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