
Archives-October 2014

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       1. Teacher's attitude towards teamwork and its impact on their research output at university level
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Literature
       2. Performance analysis of high resolution images using interpolation techniques in multimedia communication system
Apurva Sinha, Mukesh kumar, A.K. Jaiswal and Rohini Saxena
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       3. Adsorption behavior and corrosion inhibition potential of extract of Baissea axillaries at hydrochloric acid- aluminium interface
Ekemini B. Ituen, James E. Asuquo and Edidiong A. Essien
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       4. Performance and analysis of information securty in multimedia communication using chaos based scrambling method
Priyanka Tiwari, Mukesh Kumar, Rohini Saxena and A.K.Jaisawal
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       5. Effect of women leadership in the organization of technical and vocational education
Mashiroh Abdul Ghani, Nazliza Abdul Ghani and Ahmad Bin Esa
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Leadership Management
       6. Method of telecommunications channel throughput distribution based on linear programming and neuro fuzzy predicting
Polshchykov K.O, Zdorenko Y. M and Masesov M.O
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Network
       7. Translation and contrastive analysis of English and Persian proper nouns
Mahshid Ghanea, Hamid Reza Zeraatpisheh and Mohammad Hassan Ghanea
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Literature
       8. On the relationship between l2 advanced learners’ pragmatic competence and their emotional intelligence
Shahla Zeraat Pisheh
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Language and Testing
       9. Drivers of Employee Engagement in Petroleum Industry - A Transformational Framework
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour
       10. Peroral administration of peptides and proteins
S.Duraivel, V.Venkatesh, Rajalakshmi.A.N, Harish Gopinath
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pharmacy