Nutrient Digestibility and Haematological Indices of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Cnidosculus Aconitifolius Multinutrient Blocks As Supplement
The study involves twenty-four (12) yearling West African Dwarf Goats. The goats were assigned randomly to three treatments viz: Cnidoscolus-Poultry Manure-Multinutrient Blocks (CPMNB), Cnidoscolus-Urea-Multinutrient Blocks (CUMNB) and control consisting of Panicum maximum and cassava peels. Each treatment consists of eight goats as replicates. They were adequately fed and provided with fresh and clean water. The hematological parameters and nutrient digestibility as influenced by the three treatments were evaluated. The Packed Cell Volume (PCV) value for goats fed the experimental multinutrient blocks ranged from 25.25 + 1.25% in CUMNB to 20.25 + 2.25% in CPMNB and that of the control diet was 19.90 + 1.59%. The red blood cell varied from 545 + 116.0x106 mm-1 in CUMNB to 335 + 64.0 x 106 mm-1 in CPMNB with control having the value 222.58 +25.61 x106mm-1. The White Blood Cell (WBC) was highest in CUMNB (263.5 + 1.65 x 103 mm-1), followed by CPMNB (151.5 + 10.8 x103 mm-1 ) while the least value was recorded in the goat fed control diet (137.9 + 2. 75 x103mm-1). The haemoglobin concentration (HBC) was lowest in goats fed the control diet (5.92 + 0.18g 100 mm-1). The Monocytes (%) value for CUMNB was the highest (6.4 + 0.6), followed by CPMNB (5.0 + 0.00) and the control treatment has the least value (4.90 + 0.42) The Eosinophils (%) values varied from 2.0 + 0.25 in CUMNB to 1.83 + 0.17 in control treatment. The goats fed control diet showed the least values for the haemological variables. The percent digestible nutrient and coefficient of digestibility in the feed showed that goats fed supplemental Cnidoscolus- based multinutrient blocks had better nutrient utilization. Thus better rumen digestion and haematological performance than goats fed diet of Panicum- cassava peels ration.
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A Survey of Mobile Ad hoc Routing Protocols
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are self organizing network which exchange Data among themselves through single hope or multi hope. Data transfer happens in single hope whenever the destination is available within the transmission region of source, multi hope is used when destination is not available within the transmission region of source. Designing a routing protocol is a crucial issue in MANET because of dynamic topology. Active research works has been carried in the area of Ad-hoc routing protocols to address this issue. In this paper first we focus about the design challenges for routing protocols followed by a survey of various routing protocols for Ad-hoc network.
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Diffusion Verification of Slow Electrons in Gases
The diffusion of slow electrons in Nitrogen ,Argon and Helium gases in uniform electric fields has been verified for ratios of electric field to pressure from 1.611 to 16.115,0.0322 to 0.3223 and 3.9131×10-3 t0 0.9767 (V/cm .Torr-1 ) respectively. These are calculations lead to a determination of the ratio of electron drift velocity to diffusion coefficient . By assuming a distribution in velocity of the electrons in the swarm, the Townsend energy factor KT and the mean electron velocity can be computed as a function of E/P, where E is electric field and P is the gas pressure, where the mean free path at unit pressure, the average energy loss per collision, and the gas kinetic cross section can be calculated. The results are presented in Figures forms. The obtained results appeared a good agreement with the experimental and theoretical data.
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A sociological study on the influence of social networking sites on the interpersonal relationships of college students in Bangalore and mysore cities
In India at present the usage of Social Networking Sites (SNS) amongst college going students has vastly increased and the usage of SNS has extensive influence on these students in numerous ways, particularly on their interpersonal relationships. The present study is placed in this context to examine the influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of college students and also to construct a profile which can capture the college students’ usage pattern of SNS. Five hundred college students were selected from both Bangalore and Mysore cities for generating primary data; questionnaire and interview schedule methods were used for the said purpose. In the present study the concept of social network and social networking sites are explained in detail through sociological perspective. A greater section of this article is dedicated for discussing the growth of SNS in India, particularly among the college students. It was found that the usage of SNS has effect on interpersonal relationships of college students, particularly with their members of family, friends and teachers. It was also found that due to the availability of SNS the communication between college students and their members of family, between college students and their friends has increased. In this study college going students’ usage pattern of SNS, their purpose of usage of SNS, the amount of the time they spend, their preferred SNS, degree of their trustworthiness of online friends and much more interesting aspects have been dealt keeping the scientific research as base. It provides an outlook for investigating the technological implications on society in the domain of sociology.
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Assessment of water quality by evaluating the pollution potential of Hazratbal basin of Dal lake, Kashmir, India
Dal Lake, situated in the heart of Srinagar city in India is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure. This study was conducted to determine physico-chemical water quality parameters for the Hazaratbal basin of the Dal lake. Water quality was surveyed from May 2013 to August 2013 at three different sites which were located on the Hazaratbal basin. There were two types of data obtained from the lake water quality sampling exercise, i.e in-situ and laboratory analyses data. A total of seven water quality parameters namely pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC),Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Turbidity, Air temperature and Water temperature were measured at the sampling sites. While for laboratory analysis, there were fourteen parameters namely Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), Free Carbon-dioxide, Acidity, Nitrite, Phosphate, Sulphate, Colour, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Chloride, Calcium and Magnesium ion concentration. Monthly changes in various physical and chemical parameters were analyzed.
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Leadership practice among technical and vocational teacher in facing current educational issues: a qualitative research
This study seeks to understand and explain the leadership practice among technical and vocational teacher of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Medan, Batu Pahat, Johor in facing current educational issues. A qualitative case study conducted among 4 teachers who teach the subjects of invention, life skills, trade and home economics in order to get their perception. The findings in this study demonstrates an understanding among teachers of technical and vocational fields regarding of leadership style and how a practice of leadership style facing the current educational issues. In conclusion, every teacher should diversify their leadership style in teaching so that, the students can increase their proeficiency in specific areas.
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Life skills teachers teaching approach of the learning process in class
Approaches and methods of teaching and learning ( P & P ) are constantly changing . Recent developments show that the learning -oriented students are prime dvelopmention with a major radikal. Duties of an instructor or teacher is to facilitate students' learning . To fulfill this task , the instructor or teacher should not only be able to provide an excellent learning environment and harmonious , but they also create effective teaching . This means that teachers should create a learning environment that can stimulate student interest and always think about the welfare and needs. In the learning sessions, teachers are often faced with students who differ in their abilities. This requires the expertise of teachers to identify teaching and learning strategies. This means that the teacher can determine the approach, choosing methods and set specific techniques appropriate to the development and abilities of students. The chosen strategy, as well as potential influenced students to learn actively, it should also be able to help to analyze the concept or idea and be able to impress students and can produce a meaningful learning. Teachers teaching is the most important agent in determining the level of student achievement. This study focused on the type and method of teaching and its impact on student achievement in the subject Living Skills of the Form Two students of SMK Sri Gading. Questionnaires were used as instruments in this study. In this study, Spearman correlation test is used to measure the association between teaching approach with student achievement. Results of this study show that teachers of Form Two Life Skills teaching approach problem solving in the process of teaching and learning. The results also showed that they are also engaged in an inductive approach to teaching. The mean value is at a high valuation. However, in terms of comparison of the two approaches, a small difference in making sense of the process of teaching and learning Two Living Skills teacher at SMK Sri Gading, Batu Pahat, Johor, the two approaches used in classroom teaching.
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Vermitechnology: a promising tool for sustainable agriculture in 21st century
Newly developed vermicomposting model is eco-friendly, has low cost, minimum space requirement, protection from predators, minimum water requirement, self roof, easy management. This model tries to keeps constant temperature and humidity. Due to these favorable conditions earthworms feed voraciously, shows fast growth, increases rate of reproduction and vermicompost formation within short period (45-days), which is qualitative and quantitative. Vermicompost increases soil fertility, water holding capacity, healthy growth in plants and regulates the soil pH neutral. Newly developed vermiwash model medium cost, space requirement 2’X2’, mobile model. The vermiwash from this model is qualitative and quantitative. Analyzed contains total 48- components. Includes 10- Micronutrients, 5- Hormones, 5- Enzymes, 7-microbes and 21- other Physico-chemical components. Vermiwash acts plant tonic, good organic foliar spray increases vegetative and reproductive growth in plants. On flowering plants: flower size, number increases, better color and also acts as post harvesting tonic. Vermiwash in nursery for vegetative growth in cutting, grafting and layering.
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Diversity and quantitative study of bacteria of vermiwash samples
Vermiwash is coelomic fluid and vermicasting filtrate due to earthworms (Eudrillus eugenie) activity, collected through vermiwash model. For investigation of bacterial diversity and its quantity four different samples of vermiwash used. The samples are VM1- of Horse, VM2- of Pig, VM3 - of Elephant and VM4 - of Cow dung. The bacterial strains are isolated from above samples by using serial dilution, screening and spread plate method of Jensen’s, CRYMA and Nutrient agar medium. They are characterized and identified by observing morphological characters, microscopic examination and enzymatic activity. Purification of colony done by streak plate and slant streaking method. The bacterial strains identified are: From VM1- sample Pseudomonas aeroginosa ,VM2- Rhizobium spp. and Azobactor spp., VM3- Pseudomonas aeroginosa and VM4- sample Rhizobium spp. and Azobactor spp. respectively. The maximum bacterial count VM1- sample- 42 X 103 SPC/ ml, VM2- sample - 33 X 101 SPC/ ml, VM3- sample - 76 X 101 SPC/ ml, VM4- sample- 54 X 102 SPC/ ml. The bacterial flora in vermiwash very useful to regulate growth of plants with respect to nitrogen fixation and white root proliferation.
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To assess the level of employee satisfaction on HRIS usage in select software companies in Bangalore Karnataka, India
Implementation of Human Resource Information Systems in an organization facilitates information flow, reduces cost, saves time and enables employees to take effective decisions. It reduces the burden of employees and creates a stress free work life. With this background, an attempt has been made to assess the level of employee satisfaction on HRIS usage in selected software companies in Bangalore. For this research, 50 companies were selected based on purposive sampling method through a structured questionnaire administered. The sample included 350 IT professionals from different designations. The analysis of the research was shown to be reliable and valid. Statistical tools like descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test were used. The results of the data analysis demonstrates significance between HRIS and designation wise, HR processes, time & cost, information flow, decision making, in the organizations. The scope of the study is restricted to only HRIS usage in the selected software companies and measures the impact of HRIS on HR processes, time & cost, information flow and decision making across various designations. The results of this research would help software companies to better understand the satisfaction level of employees towards the usage of HRIS.
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