Vibrational assignments of infrared and laser raman spectra of nitrofurazone
Over several years, 5-Nitro 2-Furaldehyde Semicarbozone, otherwise known as Nitrofurazone has been in widespread use as anti-bacterial drug. The recording of FTIR and Laser Raman Spectra is done for the characteristic vibrations of C=N, N-N and furan ring systems and the tentative vibrational assignments have been reported. In the present investigation, vibrational assignments has been carried out for the molecule of the title compound using fundamental modes of vibration observed in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. The vibrational modes are classified into a’ and a” irreducible representations. Thus 42 fundamental modes of vibration ie.29a’ and 13a” vibrations are considered. A satisfactory vibrational band assignment has been made by using the FTIR Laser Raman Spectra of the compound.
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A study on employee training with special reference to mysore industrial region-India
The present study attempts to make a descriptive research on the employee training in different industries selected for the study. It is intended to develop an understanding and to build up a theory to the extent possible, on the different aspects of employee training. The main aim of the research is to study the existing employee training practices of public and private sector industries selected by the researcher.
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Assessment the engineering department’s of Indian institute of technology, kanpur by statistical method
The study has been done on the basis of survey questionnaire in the Engineering departments (under graduate) of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur to measure the current or baseline departmental performance level. The feedback for this survey questionnaire has been considered independently for service providers such as administrators, faculties, other supporting staff as well as students who receive these services and are direct customers. A total of 116 persons have been surveyed from the 6 randomly selected departments out of 10 departments. The baseline or current performance level of the departments has been assessed based on the coefficient of variation (CV%) level through quantification of the survey questionnaire consisting of eight enablers. Each enabler contains several questions or drivers. A total of 75 drivers have been arrived for 8 enablers. A seven-point scale has been designed for each driver ranging from “Unsatisfactory” to “Outstanding”. To identify the weak areas for a department, the vital few drivers that correspond to “Unsatisfactory” performance have been found to take necessary remedial measures for attaining the new benchmark Coefficient of Variation level (CV%) under the present techno-economic set up.
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Fundraising techniques for NGOS in medicare services
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) exist to satisfy human needs, which are unfulfilled by other social, economic and political institutions. Business sector avoids operations in those areas where it suffers loss while public sector does not have access due to its financial limitations or other priorities like defense building, regional and international politics. However, NGOs in developing world are growing quickly in numbers and areas, but to a large extent, their potentials are still unutilized because of funding limitations, their own institutional weakness and governments’ skepticism towards the role of NGOs. This paper discusses the fund raising techniques for NGOs on financial autonomy and alternative grant making as well as self-financing possibilities.
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Globalization, its ethos and Indian work organization – an overview
This research will explore conceptual framework of Globalization and subsequently discuss how Globalization affected contemporary work organization in general and Indian work organization located in special economic zones (sezs) in particular.This research is an exploratory qualitative study. It is based on extensive review of literature summing up the findings on the topic in question. Finally an answer to the issues discussed in the systematic literature review has been suggested at the conclusion.
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Novel methods for quarantine detection of karnal bunt (tilletia indica) of wheat
Prior knowledge about the presence of a plant pathogen in an infected plant material and natural reservoir is the first requirement for a successful disease management strategy. This becomes more crucial in case of quarantine pathogen like T. indica in order to alleviate unnecessary restrictions that prevent the movement of wheat across the globe and tells how this pathogen hinders the wheat trade of India. More over the potential risk of its dissemination in international wheat trade and germplasm exchange, there is a need for quick, sensitive, reliable and alarming method to identify T. indica to facilitate implementation of specific disease control strategies and for accurately selecting areas for quarantine. The detection of Karnal bunt (KB) is based primarily on the presence of teliospores on wheat seeds. However, accurate and reliable identification of T. indica teliospores by spore morphology alone is not always possible. Research based on genomic advances and innovative detection methods as well as better knowledge of the T. indica life cycle will facilitate their early and accurate detection, thus improving the sanitary status of cultivated plants in the near future. A new, novel, highly accurate molecular tests are emerging which help in surveillance of KB. This brief review will present the overview of classical and emerging T. indica detection and diagnosis assays and a repertoire of molecular diagnostic tools that can serve as a foundation stone for identifying and detecting T. indica inoculum load on multiple, rapid-cycling, real-time, PCR platforms both in vitro and in vivo conditions. This also provide an efficient way for disease surveillance and disease forecasting
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Impact of trading in the commodity futures market on inflation
Trading volumes in commodity exchanges have spurted in recent years. This has raised concerns among many that while there is a virtual stagnation in Indian agriculture with low investment flowing in this sector, there is a lot of enthusiasm in the derivatives markets. It is argued that futures market benefit neither producers nor ultimate consumers but only help speculators gain at the expense of these two groups. This rise in inflation was generally attributed to price rise in agricultural commodities; one of the causes for this was in turn attributed to greater price volatility following the opening up of futures trading in a large number of such commodities. The present paper analyses the impact of Commodity Trading on Inflation. The paper is based on Abhijit Sen Committee report and RBI report on Commodity Prices and Inflation.
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Distributive justice in context of traditional knowledge holders
Any straightjacket formula, for a distributive justice in any given community or system is difficult to be evolved. And when the question is of international community, the task goes even more difficult, or at times nearly impossible. Any system to be fair and just has to work with the notion of ‘universal equalities with fair distribution of resources’ immaterial of the birth and power of the people in the society. But the inequalities between the developed and developing nations have given rise to different facets of distributive justice. When one talks about the problem of profit sharing of the Indigenous communities as to their Tradition Knowledge, this sounds to be an economic issue. But the reality is that it engulfs various social, cultural and political concerns of the distribution of ‘materials’.To convert the traditional knowledge and cultural heritage of the indigenous people into definitions of patents, copyrights, trademarks, personality, and trade secrets is to ignore that traditional knowledge and cultural heritage that identify an indigenous people and makes a mockery of their struggle for freedom and self-determination. Their struggle for self-determination has the symbiotic benefits of maintaining cultural cohesion and the protection of the greater public welfare. So the paper concentrates upon the distribution of honours and materials in a justified manner especially in context of indigenous people.
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Disease problem identification in rice and priority setting in agricultural research
The disease of rice was studied based on their priority according to the farmers of block Akaltara of district Janjgir -Champa of Chhattisgarh. 12 randomly selected villages were visited to determine most serious disease of rice based on qualitative data collected on farm level and analyzed as result Bacterial Leaf Blight, Brown Spot, Tungro and Khaira disease is found to be most serious disease of rice while Blast, Sheath Blight, Sheath Rot, and Stem Rot some what important disease of Rice while False Smut is the disease of minor importance.
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Analyzing the factors influencing the emergence of India as world’s manufacturing hub
This short article addresses several prevailing issues evolving from the growth of Indian industries and portrays the prospective of India to be transformed into World’s manufacturing hub. Thereafter several criteria and sub-criteria are identified which are crucial in this regard. In order to understand the scope of India to turn out to be the potential manufacturing hub, a relative and comparative analysis has been carried out using a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis tool namely Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result obtained, demonstrates that India is an automatic choice as the hub of manufacturing, since all the important resources are available in abundance.
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