On Tutoring Quality Improvement of a Mathematical Topic Using Neural Networks (With a Case Study)
This paper motivated by an interdisciplinary research work approach integrating multi-sensory cognitive learning theory with interesting issue of tutoring quality improvement. It is worthy to note that adopted approach has been inspired by analysis and evaluation of phonics methodology applied in teaching children "how to read?". Herein, quantitative evaluation of this issue performed by considering two computer aided learning (CAL) packages concerned with a specific mathematical topic namely long division process. Via realistic modeling of packages using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) based upon associative memory learning paradigm. In more details, at educational field practice ; both CAL packages have been applied for teaching children algorithmic steps performing long division processes. Moreover, learning performance evaluation of presented packages considers children outcomes' achievement after tutoring for suggested Mathematical Topic either with or without associated tutor's voice. Interestingly, statistical analysis of obtained educational case study results at children classrooms (for both applied packages) versus classical tutoring proved to be in well agreement with obtained after ANNs computer simulation results.
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Strategies for improving career counseling in agricultural education in south east universities, Nigeria
The challenges facing the ever frontier of knowledge in various fields especially the department of Agricultural education which includes; students difficulties in trying to adjust to the new course of study some of them did not apply for, Occupational misconception, rating of agricultural related jobs low in terms of a secured future and earning power calls for proper improvement of career counseling services in agricultural education in Nigeria Universities. However, the study centered on strategies for improving career counseling in agricultural education in south east Universities using the universities located in south east universities, three research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study using a descriptive survey. The population of study is 139, consisting of 73 lecturers of Agricultural education and 63 counselors in the universities. The entire population was used for the study since the population was manageable. Instrument for data collection was a researcher-made questionnaire duly validated and the reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach alpha, which yielded a co-efficient index of 0.83. The researcher and 3 research assistants administered and retrieved the questionnaire. 100% return rate was achieved. Mean and standard deviations was used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The analyzed data identified administrative strategies, students related strategies and government strategies as a way of improving career counseling in Nigeria universities. It was recommended among others that there should be a regular supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the career counseling services in agricultural education departments.
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The Effects of Process Approach to English Language Writing Skills on Students Performance within Selected Secondary Schools of Kenya
The study analyzed the effects of process approach to language writing skills on students’ performance. Process approach stresses on the process that writers go though in composing texts. The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of process approach to English language writing skills on student performance within selected secondary schools of Kenya. The objectives were to determine the students’ performance in the writing test before and after instruction using the process approach, and to analyze the effect of process approach on students’ performance in the writing test in English language in selected secondary schools in Kenya. The study sample comprised 232 students and 2 English language teachers from the 6 counties. A written task and lesson observation was used to collect data which was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics that included t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data analysis revealed that process approach to writing skills had a significant effect on students’ performance in the writing test (t = .000, p< 0.05). It was concluded that process approach improved students’ performance in writing skills. Based on these findings it was recommended that teachers of English language should use process approach to improve students writing skills. To cater for this, English language curriculum developers should allocate more time for teaching English language in secondary schools in Kenya.
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Application of montessori method at pre school level
The study was designed to explore the different aspects of application of Montessori Method at pre primary. Population of the study was comprised of parents and teachers of Montessori level students and purposive sample of 30 teachers and 30 parents from SLS Montessori & School, was collected to meet the research objectives such as to assess the effectiveness of prepared environment, to determine teachers’ and parents’ role in its implementation, to explore the effect of full diploma and short courses in application of this method and to search out about its application along with traditional method of education. The results of this study gave a clear picture of the need and proper implementation of Montessori Method. It has shown that the positive impact on the overall development of a child is obviously attainable through a prepared environment. The teacher also gains individual refinement through this method as she gets inner satisfaction when her students have met their objectives. The importance of parents’ role has also been emphasized for pursuing this method in home environment also. This study would give a newer dimension towards the implication of Montessori Method along with traditional education.
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Boost Enhancing Electronic Teaching Material (ETM) of Modern Physical Education Practice (PEP) pedagogical Technology Over Problem-Based Learning
The article aims to increase enhancing Electronic Teaching Material (ETM) of modern (PEP) pedagogical technology, which adopted in the teaching of faculties and some universities can’t match instructional requests currently, while (ETM), which combines multimedia image, visibility and good stereo characteristic features, and robust interaction with computer-assisted learning coursework and develop high capacity, has been common learning resources through different topics. In comparison with traditional teaching material, the electronic teaching material (ETM) can explain major and difficult points in teaching over more perfect teaching design, suitable teaching media chose and implement of multimedia, such as, diagram, icon audio effect, video and animated cartoon .Beginning of the request to build (ETM) based on modern (PEP) pedagogical technology ,this study will explicit increasing enhancing multimedia (ETM) of modern (PEP) pedagogical technology under the design idea electronic teaching material (ETM ) of modern physical education practice (PEP) pedagogical technology, it necessity to meet instructional needs for both lecturers and learners.
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Curriculum adaptation in education for sustainability
National curriculum framework(2005) focuses on 21st century learning, ensuring learners are equipped to participate in and contribute to their own society and the wider world. An important aspect of this is encouraging students to consider significant future-focused issues such as sustainability.The future-focus theme of sustainability should be evident throughout the curriculum in school education. Structuring learning around a unifying theme such as sustainability provides opportunities for students to make connections between learning areas, competencies, and values. It requires teaching and learning approaches that draw on all elements of effective pedagogy and focuses on empowering students to take action for a sustainable future.Sustainability connects to the principle environmental health is personal health. The curriculum should endorse a place for the school, the family, the community to focus on the place of the student in their own world. Therefore, the school-based curriculum should supports holistic teaching programmes and learning pathways which enable the learner to engage purposefully with the environment.Education for sustainability is about learning to think and act in ways that will safeguard the future wellbeing of people and our planet. Many contexts, topics, or issues that students could explore have a connection to education for sustainability. There are opportunities in most learning areas for students to examine how the resources we use and what gets left over affects the earth.Teachers can introduce students to attitudes and values towards the environment, and create opportunities to explore their own. Students will also have opportunities to take action on issues that are meaningful to them, explore why an issue is important and develop the skills they need to create change.
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Student’s Experiences in Distance Learning: Lens from BTVTEd Majors
This study aimed to analyze and evaluate the students’ experiences in distance learning. The purpose of this study was to fully understand the students’ experiences in distance learning. The study was based on the data collected in April 2022 through an online survey questionnaire from 382 Bachelor in Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTE) college students in Universidad de Manila during the Academic Year, 2021-2022. The collected data were analyzed using different statistical treatments, to test and verify the hypotheses. The researcher determined the demographic profile of the respondents such as gender, age, year level and major. Aside from this, the researcher also analyzed the perceptions as well as the experiences, challenges, and recommendations of the participants in distance learning in terms of gadgets availability, connectivity, learning management system (LMS), computer literacy, and interaction. The research revealed that based on students’ experiences in distance learning, they strongly agreed in terms of gadgets availability and interaction. The researcher found out that there are significant differences on the students’ perceptions on distance learning, rejecting the null hypothesis. This study recommended that the teachers and parents must actively provide guidance and support to the students in the learning process so that students can complete their tasks and overcome the challenges that they are experiencing on distance learning.
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Effects of district teacher educators mentoring practice on professional development of primary school teachers at primary level
Education is back bone in the development of a society and teacher has a pivotal role in the education system. Every society invests in the teacher education by developing the teachers’ potential in teaching methodologies and strategies to ensure maximum outcomes from the system. In Pakistan primary teacher’s education has been a pivotal consideration of different national and international institutions. These institutions have been continuously contributing to develop the teacher’s proficiency at elementary level. The present study was designed to see the impact of teachers’ training teaching learnt through different periods in service training programs on the performance of the primary school teachers. The sample of the study consisted 100 male primary teachers and 100 female teaches and 40 district teacher educators. The performance of the teachers and district teacher educators was judged by the questionnaire. The observation scheduled comprised eight teaching skills. The study concluded that in-service trained teachers utilized microteaching skills hence their performance was comparatively better. The impact on the students showed better performance. The study recommended to continue in-service training programs on teaching methodologies and strategies for elementary school teachers by establishing independent cell at district level.
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Evoking an integrated community environmental education heuristic for the sustainable management of Nandi Hills Forests
The involvement of the community in sustainable forest management needs to be anchored on sound knowledge and vast understanding of forests, forest resources and their sustainable exploitation mechanisms. Humans encroachment into the Nandi Hills Forests, compounded by urban expansion, unsustainable timber harvesting and agricultural practices have over the years threatened to annihilate this catchment area. The study was undertaken in three districts; Nandi South, Nandi Hills and Nandi North Districts. A mixed methodological approach was used in this study, where concurrent triangulation and nested/embedded designs prevailed. The study reveals that environmental education has been institutionalized in the Nandi County and is yielding sustainable forest management. However, some institutional and capacity gaps do exist. Government agencies, international organizations and community-based organizations have been profiled as the predominant institutions that are involved in building the capacities of the locals through environmental education and forest conservation. Change detection, undertaken by way of GIS and remote sensing, has corroborated the perceptions and undertakings of the locals and institutions on forest management; exemplified by the level of awareness on the state of forest cover, and the ensuing consequences. The study proposes a heuristic for community environmental education centered on institutional arrangements, policy frameworks, formal and informal education approaches, GIS and remote sensing. Integrated community environmental education, epitomized in the heuristic, could be a robust tool for sustainable forest management once it is rolled out.
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The relation between knowledge management and organizational commitment
Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations to find important information, select, organize and publish them; and it’s a proficiency that will be necessary for actions like solving problems, dynamic learning, decision making. Knowledge management can improve a wide range of organization performance properties by enabling company to more intelligent performance, but it’s not enough alone; because knowledge management to be useful needs undertaking staff to organization and their job, that accept the knowledge management process with spirit and heart and perform it(Wiig, 1999:14). With considering the importance of this topic, the current discussion will study the relation between knowledge management and professional commitment of staff at a petroleum company in the south of Iran. Formation of this study was based on this question that with considering the importance of professional commitment and organizational commitment of staff, what the relation between knowledge management and professional commitment and organizational commitment of staff is. The tools of data collection in order to knowledge management evaluation is the 21 questions questionnaire of Proset et al., to evaluation of professional commitment and organizational commitment, that’s combination and native 27 questions questionnaire of Allen and Meyer et al.; the stability of professional commitment and organizational commitment obtained 83% and the stability of knowledge management evaluation was 0.87 and because of being Kronbakh alpha of questionnaires both more than 0.7, both questionnaires had obligatory stability. To determine being normal, the data obtained of Colmogroph -Smirnoph was applied and confirmed the results of being normal test. Hypothesizes of the study were examined by performing of Spearman correlation test and their significant and positive effects were proved, this means that knowledge management totally has a direct and significant relation with organizational commitment and professional commitment.
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