Accessibility and Utilisation of E-Resources among staff of Fountain University Osogbo: Implication for Research Development
This study examined the accessibility and utilization of electronic resources by the staff of Fountain University, Osogbo, Nigeria. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to the staff of the university out of which 65 (65%) were completed and returned. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection among staff. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). One of the findings of the study was that accessibility of electronic resources among staff in FUO was very low and this affects the use of these electronic resources. This paper discussed the strategies to increase access to subscribed electronic resources in the e-library of Fountain University Library. There is need to increase the internet facilities on campus in order to facilitate the accessibility of electronic resources to staff and the entire library users. The study discovered the factors hindering effective use of the library electronic resources to include irregular internet access culminating in slow downloading process, poor staff attitude to staff and irregular power supply. The study found out that subscription to large bandwidth, deployment of adequate internet signal, aggressive awareness, advocacy, attitudinal change of staff to use of e-resources and research development could enhance access and use of e-resources and databases. The paper recommends regular training of academic staff on how to access and use of university e-library.
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Global Research on Genus Adansonia
A Scientometric study was carried out to measure the global research out put on genus Adansonia. This study is based on publications output on Adansonia during 1945-2013 as indexed by SCI-Expanded databases. It reflected that as many as 257 documents have been published with an average output of 3.77 publications per year that collected 2794 total citations, with an average of 10.87 citations per document, and h-index at 29. A total of 500 authors have contributed to this, and collaborative work of four authors accounted for about 56% of the publications. ‘Document’ category had maximum share (85.6%); the most popular subject category was “plant sciences” (76 articles), and the most common source (journal) was Agroforestry Systems (17 articles). The Universitéd'-Abomey-Calavi, Benin was the lead institute and USA, the leading country in number of publications with 22 and 42 publications, respectively. Madagascar, the home of six endemic species of Adansonia, published only 11 articles. Most of the publications were from non-native, developed countries which can be attributed to the availability of resources and access. Major international collaborations were between the technologically advanced countries and native countries of the species, revealing a symbiotic relationship. Though Adansonia is an economically and ecologically important genus, it has not attracted researchers’ attention so far. Out of nine species, Adansonia digitata has been the most studied species.
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The effects of globalization on library practices- A case study of ekiti state university
Effectiveness of library services in the present digital age depends largely upon the application of information and communication technology, with integration into global information initiatives. This paper attempts to explore the impact of globalization on library and information services with emphasis on information environment globally. It is worthy to note that libraries in Africa seems unaffected by globalization and its information driven. It was further observed that African Libraries journeyed to the 21st century is a long and tortuous venture that encompassed with bumps and hiccups. It also analyzed the Nigerian libraries in the era of globalization and concluded by recommending that bold step towards launching Nigerian information environment in the global system becomes not only imperative but a necessity
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How to Attract Users in Digital Libraries
Digital libraries are getting popularity among the users. On One hand they are giving opportunities to access information round the clock 365 days on the finger tips of the users but on other hand, users are not coming to libraries because access of information is available at their workplace, be it office or home. Even users can access digital libraries while they are on the way or driving, if they are connected to internet. But this is not a good sign for libraries, because the very purpose of establishing them is diminishing. Hence, there is a need to develop strategies to attract the users in digital libraries so that they come and make use of documents and other things in libraries. This paper attempts to discuss the present situation and possible solution to overcome the problem so that the users may come in libraries personally and use them.
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Contemporary Literary Internet
Emergence ofnewinternetchangesanddevelopmentsinvarious areas ofcultural, scientific, social and politicaleffectsthatlead totheproduction ofliterary workscanalsobeobserved. Internethas causedliterary workseasilyandquicklybegiven toallwriters and poetsandtheirworkstoprovide themawayAzmhdvdytpolitical, cultural, economic andelectronicformshallpublishanduseofInternetmultimediafeature, theAddattractiveness oftheir works. InterdeMvkratykanduniversalnature ofnotesandfreespace, the possibility ofinteractionbetweenwriterandreader, quick and easy access, multimediabeing afreepublicationandliterary worksintheirsearchprocess andthe possibilityof themost importantbenefits oftheInternetpublicationofliterary worksGoes. Manyreaders ofliteratureonthe Internetthatmostadolescentsandyoung people andtheirparticularformof womenandunwillingnessof contemporarywritersandpoetstopublishtheir worksonthe Internet, due tothe lossofintellectual property, underlyingthe emergenceandspreada kind ofliteratureGhyrjdyandtheInternetissuperficial. In this paper, relationship between literature and Internet web features and issues literature review and recommendations regarding any e better productivity will be released this phenomenon.
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Analysis of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Publications: An Empirical Study
The study has been conducted with the purpose of clear understanding of world’s leading publisher in the area of electrical, electronics, computing and related areas of science and technology. The author is working in a Deemed University, which offered Engineering and Technology courses as main subjects, hence the author has the curiosity to know more about IEEE and its publications.
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Management of electronic resources in Private Universities in South-West Nigeria
This paper focused on management of electronic resources in Private Universities in South-West Nigeria with the main objective of finding out the level of implementation of Electronic Resources Management Software (ERMS) in the management of electronic information resources in these universities. The survey method was used and questionnaire was distributed to the Systems Librarians within the universities selected. Findings show that ERMS awareness among the Systems Librarians is high while the level of implementation in managing electronic resources is still very low. It was further found out that electronic resources are not being catalogued/classified in the universities under study. Part of the suggestions offered is that University Libraries should, as a matter of professionalism and importance, introduce ERMS software in the management of their electronic resources.
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Downsides of Impact Factor as a Valid Criterion of Quality Publications
The aim of this paper is to examine the validity of impact factor as a metric for evaluation of scientific output of researchers, laboratories, departments and their institutions. The opinion that Impact Factor (IF) is an index that expresses the quality and scientific value of a given researcher/author; departments and their institutions is examined against the critical view point in clinical medicine. Sociological and statistical factors are also considered. Attempt is also made to elucidate on what citation exactly should count for quality in determination of values of IF. Citation frequency as a measure of journal's importance to its end users is considered to be a plausible theory in clinical medicine. Sociological and statistical factors are also seen to have effects on values of IF across subject areas. It is also found out that a count of citations to error in calculation of IF value does not reflect a true value of quality. Appropriate count that reflects quality should be used to compute IF values. Many previous critiques have developed to undermine the use of IF as a metric for evaluation of scientific output of researchers/authors. This article forms the first attempt to identify that all citations to an article do not necessarily count for quality. In this context, the article is original and of great potentials.
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